Describes the JSON object of a Dashboard.
A Dashboard in Ubidots can store one or more Widgets. Dashboards are used to visualize data in easy-to-read widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Id of Dashboard |
label | String | Label of Dashboard |
name | String | Name of Device Type |
createdAt | String | Date Dashboard was created |
description | String | Description of Dashboard |
organizations | Array | Organizations a Dashboard is assigned to. On demand property. |
timeframe | Object | The timeframe object contains 2 keys: endDate and startDate representing the date range of the Dashboards data visualization |
order | Number | Order in which dashboards are presented to user. Dashboards are order first by order and then by date. |
tags | Array | Tags of Dashboard |
context | Object | Context Data of Array |
isEditable | Boolean | True if Dashboard can be edited |
order | Number | Properties of Device Type |
widgets | String | Url of widgets of Dashboard |
widgetsCount | Number | Number of Widgets in Dashboard |
isActive | Boolean | True if Dashboard is active |
url | String | Url of Dashboard |
Context Object of a Dashboard
Property | Type | Description |
size | JSON | The maximum resolution of a Dashboard, is a JSON Object with width and height key e.g. {"width":1024, "height":768} , default is null |
isDynamic | Boolean | True if Dashboard is a Dynamic Dashboard |
displayName | String | Dashboard attribute that's used to be displayed, e.g. label , id , or name |
__customStyle | Object | Accepts all CSS attributes to customize the Dashboard |
defaultDevice | String | Id of default Device, only for Dynamic Dashboards |
hasBackground | Boolean | True if Dashboard has a custom background |
widgetOpacity | Number | Value between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of Widgets in the Dashboard, default is 1 |
floatingWidgets | Boolean | When true Widgets can be freely positioned in the dashboard, when false, Widgets adhere to the top |
timestampFormat | String | Format of timestampe, default is MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm |
deviceFilterType | String | A Dashboard can have either of the following three entities as default: all (a Device), device_group (a Device Group), and a device_type (a Device Type), only applies if isDynamic = true |
widgetVerticalSpacing | Number | Vertical spacing between Widgets in Dashboard |
widgetHorizontalSpacing | Number | Horizontal spacing between Widgets in Dashboard |
"url": "",
"id": "abcdefgh1234567890",
"organization": null,
"label": "demo-dashboard",
"name": "Demo Dashboard",
"description": "",
"timeframe": {
"endDate": "now/d",
"startDate": "now-7d"
"tags": [],
"context": {
"size": null,
"isDynamic": true,
"displayName": "name",
"__customStyle": null,
"defaultDevice": "abcdefghi1234567890",
"hasBackground": false,
"widgetsOpacity": 1,
"floatingWidgets": false,
"timestampFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm",
"deviceFilterType": "all",
"deviceFilterEntityId": null,
"widgetVerticalSpacing": 10,
"widgetHorizontalSpacing": 10
"isEditable": true,
"order": 1,
"widgets": "",
"widgetsNumber": 11,
"isActive": true,
"createdAt": "2020-05-24T15:39:05.838572Z"