ActiveDates object

Describes the array object of the ActiveDates within an Event object.

The triggers array contains an array of trigger JSON objects containing the following structure:

  "dates": [], // Validate military hour. Defaults to []
  "timezone": "UTC" // Time zone of the action. Defaults to "UTC"

Each key represents:

datesArrayContains an Array with 7 arrays, one for each day (please see below). Validate military hour
timezoneStringTime zone of the action. Defaults to "UTC"


dates Array - Attribute of activeDates Array

The dates array contains 7 arrays, one for each day, the first one being Monday.

Each activated day contains 2 values in the respective array: the start time and the end time of the active period of the action, in other words, it's the time frame during the day the action is executed in case the trigger is hit.

In case the day is deactivated, the array remains empty, but there have to a total of 7 arrays.

Here is an example of the ActiveDates object

  "dates": [
    "timezone": "America/Bogota"