Use this Topic to Subscribe to a Variable's Last Dot

Replace the <device_label> and <variable_label> with the unique label of the device and the variable to subscribe for retrieving values update. If the specified Device or Variable do not exist, you will not able to establish the subscription with it.


Port1883/8883 (Non-TLS/TLS)Yes
UsernameYour Ubidots TokenYes
PasswordAny character or leave blankNo
Quality of Service0 or 1No




The bash example from this section makes use of the Eclipse Mosquitto library, if you wish to test it please install it using the official instructions.

Subscribe to a Variable's Last Dot
Constantly obtain a Variable's Last Dot:

$ mosquitto_sub \
-h "" \
-t "/v1.6/devices/weather-station/temperature" \
-u "BBFF-Rfcgaxns6HlVb155WA0RhSY85xNDmB" \
-p 1883 \
-q 1
  "value": 34.0, 
  "timestamp": 1634311791000, 
  "context": {
    "status": "cold"
  "created_at": 1634311791000