This endpoint retrieves variable aggregated data

To get a single aggregated value of a variable within a time range, please make a GET request to the following URL:


Where the path parameters are:

Path parameterDescription
<variable_id>String with the id of the Variable from which data will be retrieved
<aggregation>The aggregation to apply to the variable in the selected time range.
Available aggregations:
- mean
- variance
- min
- max
- sum
- count
<start>Initial timestamp in milliseconds POSIX format for values of the variable (inclusive).
<end>Final timestamp in milliseconds POSIX format for values of the variable (inclusive).


The "X-Auth-Token" header is required for your request:

X-Auth-TokenTokenYesAuthentication Token of account.

Query Parameters

You may add optional parameters to the URL of your request:

tokenTokenStringThe token to authenticate the request.
While sending it as a query parameter is supported, we strongly recommend using the X-Auth-Token header


Get mean value of a variable in a time range:
Retrieves the mean value of a variable between 24/11/2021 00:00:00 and 24/11/2021 23:59:59

$ curl -X GET '<variable_id>/statistics/mean/1637730000000/1637816399999' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73'
  "mean": 56724.07
  "code": 401002, 
  "message": "Incorrect authentication credentials."

Get max value of a variable in a time range:
Retrieves the mean value of a variable between 24/11/2021 00:00:00 and 24/11/2021 23:59:59

$ curl -X GET '<variable_id>/statistics/max/1637730000000/1637816399999' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73'
  "max": 57424.65
  "code": 401002, 
  "message": "Incorrect authentication credentials."