When you make an HTTP request, the Ubidots REST API uses the following response codes so you can know your request status and learn of any errors:

Response CodeDescription
200Ok -- Successful request
201Created -- Successful request + an entity (Device or Variable) was created
202Accepted -- The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed
204One of the fields is incorrect and the request is not saved -- Please verify it's a valid JSON string and that the fields are the ones expected by the endpoint (string, object or float)
400Bad Request -- Error due to an invalid body in your request. Please verify it's a valid JSON string and that the fields are the ones expected by the endpoint (string, object or float)
401Invalid API key -- Please verify your API Key
402Payment required -- Please verify your balance
403Forbidden -- This token is not valid. Please verify your token
404Not Found -- We couldn’t find the URL you're trying to access. This might be due to a wrong device label or ID, a wrong variable label or ID, or simply a typo in the URL of the request
405Method Not Allowed -- This API endpoint does not accept the method used. Check our API docs to see the allowed methods
415Unsupported media type -- The payload is in a format not supported by this method on the target resource
420You have exceeded your API limits -- To upgrade your API limit, contact the Ubidots team
423Device does not receive data because it is disabled
429Too many requests -- Many requests sent in a given amount of time ("rate limiting")
50xInternal Error -- We're having issues with our servers. Please check our status page.