This endpoint sends one or more Dots to multiples Devices

To send historical data (i.e. from data loggers) to one or more variables of multiple Devices please make a POST request to the following URL:



The "X-Auth-Token" and "Content-Type" headers are required to your request:

X-Auth-TokenTokenYesAuthentication Token of account.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonYesThe type of data of the body.


A list of objects, each containing parameters as follows:

deviceYesDevice label to which data will be sent
timestampYesTimestamp in milliseconds POSIX format. When present, this timestamp will be applied to all Dots in the values list unless an individual timestamp is sent.
valuesYesA list of objects, each containing Dots for one or more variables.
[ { "device":"first-device", "timestamp":1588864653968, "values":[ { "temperature":24, "humidity":88 }, { "temperature":21, "humidity":86, "timestamp":1588864653900 } ] }, { "device":"second-device", "timestamp":1588864653968, "values":[ { "temperature":45, "humidity":{ "value":2, "timestamp":1588864653900 } } ] } ]


Maximum length

The maximum character length for the body is 10kb

Query Parameters

You may add optional parameters to the URL of your request:

tokenStringThe token to authenticate the request.
While sending it as a query parameter is supported, we strongly recommend using the X-Auth-Token header


Send historical data to multiple Devices:
Update multiple Devices with historical data of its variables

$ curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73' \ -d '[ { "device":"first-device", "timestamp":1588864653968, "values":[ { "temperature":24, "humidity":88 }, { "temperature":21, "humidity":86, "timestamp":1588864653900 } ] }, { "device":"second-device", "timestamp":1588864653968, "values":[ { "temperature":45, "humidity":{ "value":2, "timestamp":1588864653900 } } ] } ]'
{ "task_id": "6178a1d0fdaf23a095b8e50b" }
{ "detail": "JSON parse error - Invalid control character at: line 3 column 30 (char 36)" }
{ "code": 401002, "message": "Incorrect authentication credentials." }