This endpoint sends one or more Dots to Device

To send historical data (i.e. from data loggers) to one or more variables of a Device please make a POST request to the following URL:


Where <device_label> is a string with the label of the Device to which data will be sent to.


The "X-Auth-Token" and "Content-Type" headers are required to your request:

X-Auth-TokenTokenYesAuthentication Token of account.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonYesThe type of data of the body.


A list of objects, each containing a set of variable Dots and a global timestamp that will be applied to each value. Variables with an individual timestamp will override the global timestamp.

    "temperature": "2",
    "humidity": 88
    "temperature": {"value": 23, "context": {}, "timestamp": 1597620000001},
    "humidity": 33
    "temperature": 26,
    "humidity": 44


Maximum length

The maximum character length for the body is 10kb

Query Parameters

You may add optional parameters to the URL of your request:

tokenStringThe token to authenticate the request.
While sending it as a query parameter is supported, we strongly recommend using the X-Auth-Token header
typeStringOptional Device Type label to be applied to the Device if the Device doesn't exist yet. Learn more


Send historical data to a Device:
Update a Device with historical data of its variables

$ curl -X POST '<device_label>/_/bulk/values' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73' \
 -d '[
    "temperature": "2",
    "humidity": 88
    "temperature": {"value": 23, "context": {}, "timestamp": 1597620000001},
    "humidity": 33
    "temperature": 26,
    "humidity": 44
  "results": [
      "humidity": [
          "status_code": 201
      "temperature": [
          "status_code": 201
      "humidity": [
          "status_code": 201
      "temperature": [
          "status_code": 201
      "humidity": [
          "status_code": 201
      "temperature": [
          "status_code": 201
  "code": 400001,
  "message": "The payload sent is not a valid json document."
  "code": 401001,
  "message": "Authentication credentials were not provided."